Jenna Sinclair

Dec 18, 20235 min

How I Finally Did a Capsule Wardrobe and You Can Too!

Updated: Jan 4

I simplified all my clothes into a Capsule Wardrobe and it's life changing.

What's a capsule wardrobe? A small collection of clothes where everything goes with everything else.  

How did this come about? Well we made some big life decisions based on values and as a result I sold all my furniture and moved across the country with a six month baby and a dog, taking only one suitcase of clothes and we moved the entire remaining contents of our 3 bedroom house with a garden into my mums attic. 

I have been on the minimalism journey for 5 years+ so I didn’t have too many clothes to simplify (we had plenty of space in our wardrobes before we pared right down for the move) but I super clear on what was a 'fantasy self' (high heels and going out dresses) and what was actually relevant for this chapter of life. As a new mum, leggings are my best friend because in reality sometimes I need to go for a wee with my baby under one arm. One handed wees are not friends with doing up buttoned jeans! I also am at baby groups sitting on the floor and need comfort when im leaning and bending all with a 10k baby in my arms. I get mucky a lot and so t-shirts are easy and non precious. I have four jumpers. I don’t get bored of any of it. I don’t feel like I have nothing to wear. My clothes work for me. They are always easy to find. 

Wardrobe wise, this season I’m capsuling at 5 jumpers (one is only for messy play that’s covered in paint stains), 5 t-shirts, 2 pairs of leggings, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of jogging bottoms, 3 coats (Winter beast, rain mac and shearling-type jacket), 2 maternity bras, 2 pairs of the same plain leather Clark’s trainers (one white, one black) 10 pairs of socks and like 7 pairs of pants. One set of gym clothes. One swimming costume (I highly recommend Hunza G as it fits all sizes so flexes with your body if you, like a lot of women, fluctuate). It works!

I don’t even use a handbag! What else do you need to take out except your phone and lipstick?! Pyjamas are just t-shirts from mine and Umbe’s wardrobes! Make your stuff work harder for you. Invest in items that are multifunctional. If you can see everything you own, everything that you take care of, make room for, sacrifice space for, have exchanged money (time) for as a TOOL that needs to work for YOU, then you’ll be able to filter out the unimportant and allow things like t-shirts to do two jobs. 

Less clothes and clothes I love to wear means less decision fatigue. I can save my energy for more important decisions like what to feed my baby! Whether to put her down for a nap in her bed so she can get a good sleep or wait until we are going out so she can sleep in the pram so that we can get out sooner and get a walk in and see daylight. So many decisions.

Less stuff = less money spent which is also grounding and empowering because you're saving more money.  I haven’t bought any new clothes (except some thermals) because the less you have the less you want to buy. Simplifying reveals your essentials and really makes shopping seem unnecessary. Nothing to wear becomes everything to wear.

What you need to know and Inspiration for your capsule wardrobe:

-Buy less buy better. Buy classic timeless pieces and the best you can afford. Then you won’t feel an urge to replace them or get bored. Yay nice stuff! 

-Buy in colours you KNOW you love to wear that suit you. I go for two neutrals and then two colours. Yay clothes you love!

-Most people have so many clothes they wear 20% of them 80% of the time. This way round it’s 100% of it 100% of the time.

-You’ll save SO much time and money and energy.

-Noone cares what you wear or notices you wearing the same stuff all the time really.

-Everyone else is mostly wearing a capsule wardrobe it’s just surrounded by all their other clutter clothes so they aren’t aware of it. 

-You get to choose how many pieces work for you. I have noticed myself ‘quite fancying’ a white jumper but then I let the craving go and carry on with the present moment and remember how I don’t want loads of inventory to manage and how I’ve got more than enough to do without taking care of another jumper and nothing changes. Mindfulness is so great to reduce impulse spending. 

-You will desire less. Not more because you have everything you need. Sure you might realise you need a few other things to complete your desired looks/meet some weather needs but when you love what you have, when you can SEE what matters - i.e the clothes that meet your needs daily - you’re satisfied. 

-Gone are the days of novelty clothes or one hit wonders. Sparkly trousers just for christmas for example. I’ve got a sparkly jumper that comes out and works hard from November to Feb. 

-Fantasy self is only identified by you. For me, going out dresses and heels aren't worth having because I use them too little for them to earn the space they take up. Space is so valuable to me! Ahhh serenity. For you it might be snowboarding gear, hiking stuff, clothes in the wrong size, clothes that are too formal etc.

You can apply this to hair and makeup too. Choose three hairstyles (if you have long enough hair) and thats the lot. No stress about introducing anything else. Makeup - find the products that work for you, invest in the best and forget the rest. 

AND you can apply this to your kids clothes and they will THRIVE as a result. Reduce choice = reduce overwhelm = happier kids.

So do you need to set boundaries with yourself around buying clothes? Do you know your colours if you could only choose 4? Is your wardrobe screaming out for you to simplify it? 

Trust how much you know yourself. You know what you enjoy wearing. You know what you reach for time and time again. You know yourself better than anyone. You know what you don’t wear. Those are your pieces. Start by pulling THOSE out and praising them. Then donate or sell the rest. Slowly. You'll get there. It takes time. If you'd like my help making decisions I am availble for a single one off empowering coaching session for inspiration which you can book here.

If you have tried to control your wardrobe but feel you want to go deeper to tackle what’s really stopping you I invite you to book a chat to discuss how my What Matters Most programme, were we go into far more detail and get you really clear on what's important to you and how to truly set boundaries, could help you sort it out for good and have you feeling serene, empowered and saving in time, money and energy!

Lots of Love,

