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Hi, I'm Jenna


I see you. Unsatisfied, exhausted and stuck giving your time and energy away to things and people you feel drained by. Wrestling with life in ways I did too.


I see you in disbelief at the constant chores and the energy they take

I see you feeling drained every single day

I see you looking at that gift you hate not knowing what to do with it and feeling guilty

I see you guilt buying more toys to keep your kids happy but then tripping over and resenting all the constant daily tidying  

I get that you’re feeling there’s something more important you should be doing with your time

I see you finding it difficult to make decisions because you don't feel you know yourself

I see you struggling with that negative self-talk and more often that you'd like, believing it

I see you de-prioritising things that nourish you because you simply don’t have time in your calendar 

I know you feel the you at home is so stressed it's not the 'real you'

I hear you saying no to huge exciting opportunities because the thought of moving house is just WAY too much

I see you going through the buying more, nothing to wear, buying more cycle that does NOT align with your values 



This does not have to be your reality!

You get to choose what happens next

You are here because you get to choose what happens next. A part of you knows there’s a way out. I know because I’ve been where you are.


You want to have a loving relationship with yourself. You want to know what's important to you and make effortless decisions based on a solid system. You want to be able to set and maintain boundaries .You want to be able to regain all the time you've spent saying 'yes' to situations that are JUST SO DRY and actually start living intentionally in ways that are exciting for YOU but you just don't know where to start because stuff and house has just got on top of you... 




Hi I'm Jenna


I’m an EMCC-accredited life coach for people who are sick of living life on other people's terms. You're here to step into your power, know confidence and to start feeling energised through developing a beautiful relationship with yourself and giving yourself permission to do more of what you love and more of what matters




Jenna Sinclair Coach

Here is My Story




In 2015 I woke up. I was in a non-progressive job working days, evenings and weekends, exhausted, in completely the wrong environment, overweight, overdrinking, overspending and overeating. I was a mess that was giving all my time away to situations that drained me because I couldn't say 'no'. I used alcohol for confidence, ate my feelings, bought loads of fast fashion only to get sick of it quickly, self-care was non-existent and my relationships were turbulent. 


In 2016 I found meditation which transformed my relationship with my thoughts and felt called to help others experience this. So I enrolled in a MSc in Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology, quit my full-time job, sold everything and flew to LA with no plan other than to to complete my MSc long-distance and launch my own business. Between 2016 and 2017 I lost 2.5 stone and got fit. In 2018 I trained as a certified meditation & mindfulness teacher and met my now fiancé! 


Here I am now, a full-time life coach and mum in high demand who has worked with hundreds of clients across 25+ counties, spoken at events nationwide and guided meditations for thousands of people. I absolutely LOVE what I do and I am confidently Living Intentionally. I am energised, choose who I work with and when, make time for the things that are important to me and say 'no' easily. 


Weight Loss Before And After Lifting

"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. When it is time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived." -Henry D. Thoreau.

Some Fun Facts About Me...


  • I have a beautiful Husky x Malamute called Alpha 

  • I love adventures and as a minimalist I completed my Masters while travelling around California, Mexico, Spain, Brighton, London and Cornwall 

  • I have an award-winning food blog

  • I am a trained Marine Mammal Medic (rescuing and applying first aid to seals, dolphins and whales)

  • I did 100 hours of meditation on a silent meditation retreat in 2022 with no phone or contact with the outside world (& loved it!)

  • I feel deeply connected to nature, love surfing and the sea and being in nature - you’ll find me moon bathing on the beach in the light of the full moon! 

  • I love dance music

  • I've been sober since 2021

  • I meditate daily

  • I quit sugar in June 2022

  • I always see the funny side

  • I’m committed to living my purpose and living a joyful inspired life!


Jenna Sinclair life coach
Woman Magazine Photoshoot Jenna Sinclair Life Coach

Professional Bio


Jenna Sinclair is a minimalist and transformational Life Coach for overwhelmed women who feel disempowered, helping them transform their lives by refocusing their energy and get the F rid of draining sh*t so they can create more time for what truly matters to THEM. This usually results in more joy, more freedom, more purpose, more focus and more presence with loved ones and their life.


She believes that simplifying your life, including your home environment to declutter what's not relevant and reflecting of you living your highest expression of you allows you to AMPLIFY everything that you're truly passionate about and here for.


Jenna has been studying psychology for 17 years+ and has a BA in Criminology and Applied Psychology, a MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, is a certified Meditation and Mindfulness teacher, a certified Conscious Business Coach and is EMCC-accredited. She has worked with hundreds of clients from C-suite to mid-level across the private sector internationally in 20+ countries. 


Passionate about our connection to nature, Jenna completed her Masters research on the positive influence on wellbeing of sea immersion in hostile winter conditions and has spoken about her research findings at national events. 



Book your FREE consultation call to see if working with me is a good fit for you!


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